Monday, August 30, 1999


Have been busy picking green beans, sweet corn, and other fresh veggies, sharing with neighbors, and freezing for winter. Also working on the house plumbing when I can fit that in. There are so many holes in the walls and ceilings that I rarely have to break more sheetrock to gain access.

Today it's cloudy and threatening more rain, so I'm making good progress. I finish roughing in the cold water lines (all soldered copper) and connect to my rigged-up pressure tank downstairs. I set up the large garbage can to draw water from, and turn the pump on, pressurizing the whole system. All the soldered joints appear sound -- except the least accessible one: an elbow or coupling near the floor leading to the bathroom sink. Try to re-solder, but that doesn't work, and I don't have enough fittings on hand to do it over. Aaaargghhh!

So I start to question myself. Why am I even putting plumbing in? Maybe I should just be humble and live plainly like the Amish, do it all the simple way. Wasn't that the ideal to begin with? Well, I'm not going to burn gas driving into town for a couple little plumbing fittings, so this project will have to be postponed (and maybe never resumed?)

The rain has stopped, so I go outside, and dig a nice mess of new potatoes for supper.

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