Sunday, August 1, 1999


Pick more beans after church, then a quiet day, resting and reading.

The other day, Pat mentioned that she thought Delia used to have asparagus growing next to the house, on the east side. In the cool of the evening, I go out to stretch my legs, and look. For several years, Wayne has used his riding mower to keep the lawn from getting too wild. But he never mowed up close to the house, so it's now a mass of tall grass, taller than me, unruly bushes, and other stuff which sweep against the windows. I really need to get in there sometime and clean things up. Meanwhile, I can't remember seeing any asparagus...

I nose around a bit, brushing the tall plants aside so I can see down to the ground. Nothing here. Maybe over closer to the corner. No, nothing here, either. Wait a minute - what's this stuff I'm brushing back out of my face? Well, I'll be darned - it's an asparagus fern! And there's another - and another, and another! From their size, they look pretty healthy, too. So much for my powers of observation. I'll have to remember this little gift patch next spring.

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