Saturday, August 14, 1999


The past few days comprise a life chapter, an event around which I will relate lesser happenings. Dad's funeral drew a vast throng of old friends, neighbors and relatives, including many joyful reunions between folks who hadn't seen each other in years. Heard and retold the story of Dad's sudden collapse just as he was about to go pick tomatoes. (At 91, Dad was still a farmer; his tomatoes have been bearing for several weeks already.) Except for a couple teary moments in front of his casket, I couldn't feel sad. Dad is still my main hero, and I'm as proud of the way he died as of the way he lived.

Arrived back home last night around dusk.

Dad appears to have carried out my little prayer request: a morning tour of the garden reveals no noticeable deer damage to corn, tomatoes, etc., except for maybe a few missing cucumber leaves. Looks like we got some weather here during the week, signs of plants tousled by wind & rain, but no damage that I can see, and today is cool, dry, and sunny.

I weed some here & there, and pick a wide variety of veggies for my table. Run more water through the test pump and pressure tank, and take another rainwater sit-down bath, back to my home routine.

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