Sunday, July 25, 1999


After the morning bike ride to church, I pick lots of veggies for my lunch, and listen to the ball game as I scrub, cook, and eat. Several broadcast interruptions warn of severe weather coming. After Vespers, the storm looks imminent, so I gather some rhubarb to cook up with a few windfall apples while it rains.

The wind picks up a little before 7:00, and I step out the back door to watch. I guess I inherited this habit from my Mom. While others would scurry for shelter, Mom would go outside, and me with her, to look at the show. And what a show! I stand in drop-jaw awe at the tremendous power - the clouds roiling above like a big pot of oatmeal, the trees swaying like grass. I can't do anything but stand transfixed, take it in, and know how small I am.

I know this means much work for me, and loss (sigh). The sweet corn is probably demolished, most of the apples will be on the ground, and this may have re-opened that hole in the roof near the chimney. Will have to assess further damage tomorrow. Right now, I can't feel anything but excitement and wonder.

The rain starts to come harder now, while the winds diminish. The worst is over, and the tornado threat appears to be past. I go back indoors, my clothing a little wet, my hair tousled, my heart calm. It's getting dark, and the power is out, so I can't cook my fruit sauce.

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