Monday, May 3, 1999


Necessity is the mother of invention. As I continue to dig and plant and think, I begin to realize that this is how I will have to proceed. I will have to draw a line like the Amish. Thus far, and no farther. This will become my self-imposed necessity, impelling me to invent things and discover techniques and figure out the concrete specific ways to live the non-consumerist life as best I can.

As a high priority, because of the fossil fuel involved, I have to stop commuting back and forth so much; this has to be my permanent base. Consequently, getting the well fixed is high on my to-do list. Being able to prepare good meals for myself is another. (A guy can go only so long on baloney sandwiches and fried eggs and potatoes.)

So, I've decided to compromise, at least for now, on a lesser point, and get set up with a freezer and refrigerator. The decision was made easier when I saw both of these items, plus a real bathtub all offered as give-aways in the local shopper. So, I called a local hauler and paid $50 to have this stuff, and my wringer washer, brought out here today. I also picked up some real groceries while in town, and some odds and ends dishes at a rummage sale.

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