Saturday, May 6, 2000


Continued clear & dry; the forecasted rain hasn't materialized. The planting is about 60% complete, but the seeds are lying in dry soil. I plant another bed of carrots, then clean up and drive into town, a long time since.

I check out the swap meet at Dan's Feed Bin. Here's a young man - I'm guessing 14 or 15 - whose parents have apparently staked to a little business enterprise. He has raised several hybrid chicks from hatchlings to 4 weeks, so they're feathered out now, ready for a farm environment. The kid is a pretty good salesman, too - I end up buying 4 pullets and 2 cockerels, transferring them to a cage that "just happened" to be in my truck.

After errands, and confession & Mass with Lenore, I get back home and introduce my new chicks into the coop with some water and bread crumbs. I crush & soak some corn & oats to try tomorrow.

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