Wednesday, May 10, 2000


Sunny & pleasant again. I spend some time transplanting some of the small tomato seedlings outdoors - about 30, if they live. Also plant the rest of the Yukon Golds and some other potatoes.

The chicks have obviously lived their entire short lives indoors; the open pop door does not attract them at all. So I scatter their feed outside today, with a trail of seeds leading through the pop door. Once exposed, they take to the yard like ducks to water, scratching and pecking as nature intended. They'll be fine.

After lunch, I plant a few more beets and carrots until the clouds move in and it starts to rain real nice. The chicks need no prompting now; they scurry into their new home. I close up the coop, and go indoors myself, rest & read a little, make a nice supper, even build a small fire to take the chill out of the house.

The soft rain makes for a comforting lullaby.

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