Monday, October 4, 1999


It has turned cold, and frozen hard. The growing season is at an end.

I wake up cold in the wee hours, re-start the fire, and go back to bed until dawn.

Start the day's work by laying about 30% of the vapor barrier down under the attic insulation, a dusty job, moving the cellulose insulation to one side, then laying the plastic down, then moving the insulation back, in the cramped space of the attic.

I run out of plastic, and go outdoors, where the air is fresh and the day has turned sunny and warm - close to 60°. I dig all the rest of the potatoes and carrots from the south garden. Dig the 'experimental' potatoes, too - planted with seeds from a couple potato berries in last year's city garden. One hill looks like an interesting genetic combination - the potatoes are a soft, pink color. They're pretty small, but, having started from seed, they didn't have the good start that those planted from tubers had. I'll save these as seed potatoes, and see what they yield next year.

I put these and the carrots away in containers of sand, and lay an old door down on blocks to serve as a shelf for the green tomatoes to ripen indoors.

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