Sunday, September 19, 1999


It still hasn't frosted, so I've been getting a steady supply of beans, broccoli, and tomatoes to put up for winter. Have spent some time in the basement, too, getting the grey-water drains connected. I still have to put the plumbing vent through the roof sometime before winter.

Discovered late yesterday that my bike's front tire is shot. So, since I have to use the car to get to Mass today, I take a trip into town, attend 10:30 Mass at St. Francis, and pick up the crippled bicycle I kept at Lenore's place, to use in fixing the reparable one. I also pick up more plumbing supplies, and run into Clyde, who has a good used bathroom sink to sell. Clyde is also willing to come out and help me insulate (which I should do soon). Then I stop on the way back home to see about buying a 2nd-hand well pump. A pretty productive trip. Never like to drive to town for just one thing.

Towards dusk, I tramp back into my woods, and almost get lost again. I still don't know my way around back there.

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