Wednesday, September 1, 1999


Another beautiful day. After Lauds & breakfast, I patch the privy roof, then make a list of all my errands, and drive into town. I deposit the savings bond from Dad, and buy plumbing fittings and other supplies, then to Lenore's. I use my city bicycle from her place to run a few more errands, including to D.O.T. to register the truck. But walk-in citizens are punished (you have to pay an extra fee for them to take your money) and these Wisconsin employees refuse to disclose policy details, so I will have to do this via mail, I guess.

After lunch with Lenore, I use her phone to call about buying beef from a local farmer, and look into possibly selling produce at the Harvest Festival in a few days. Also pick the brains of a couple plumbing guys about the circulating hot water idea.

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