Monday, April 26, 1999


I've been taking Willie's advice, and two or three times per day pumping a bunch of water, pumping a hundred or two hundred strokes until I can't pump any more, to see if I can pump the sand out, and/or pump the well dry. So far, I haven't managed to do either. I think it's a sign of a good well that I can't pump it dry.

Digging more garden, too (with the slow but trusty garden spade). In fact, I've been a digging animal since last week, making six more square plots in the main garden area, and today starting on the grassy slope north of the house, between the house and road. Justin and Erin see me as they get off the schoolbus, and run up to see what I"m doing.

Justin is excitedly telling me about making the longest running broad jump in his whole gym class. At this point, I have a long, rectangular area dug up, about ten feet wide. So I challenge Justin to show me.

"OK, Justin, let's see you jump clear over the fresh dirt."

Justin's eyes widen, but he's game. He paces back a few steps, and turns to face his challenge. He runs, launches himself up and over, landing on the other side, clear from grass to grass, with almost a foot to spare. Erin cheers. Justin is grinning, and so am I.

"Good job!"

Now it's my turn to show off. I do a head stand, right there on the grass. Erin cheers again, and Justin whistles.

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