Sunday, December 19, 1999


It's snowing lightly, so after a light breakfast and a letter/card to Phyllis, I drive the truck to 10:30 Mass. The first non-bikeable Sunday since I've been here!

After Mass, almost half of this small parish joins in decorating the church for Christmas, including the use of some balsam firs from yours truly. A chile and hot dog lunch follows.

Then, calling ahead, I stop on the way home to pick up a used window advertised in the shopper. Home again, put the window in the garage, and get a fire going in the house. Without warning, the stove pipe comes loose from the chimney, but with gloved hands, I shove it back in with no further mishap. By the time I get the house warm and have some supper, it's dark, and I feel tired and a little headachy, so I turn in early.

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