Tuesday, June 15, 1999


Received the price list that I recently asked for from the local wind generator company. I would dearly love to get off the grid, but - sheeesh! these prices are phenomenal. I manage to dig up my hand-written note from a few months ago, listing a few of the prices, and they've gone up about 30% in just that short period. The target clientele for this technology must consist of 1) those who have no choice, who have no access to the grid, and 2) rich folks.

As I recall from grade school history, the automobile was originally just the toy of the rich man. Henry Ford saw an opportunity and made a car which six-pack Joe could afford. The result was a technological and social revolution, a revolution we might have been better off without. So how about a wind generator revolution? Where's the Henry Ford of the wind generator industry?

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