Monday, December 6, 1999


I have accumulated some oddball bits of stuff that can neither be composted nor burned, enough to fill a breadwrapper. So I walk it down to the road; give the Waste Management folks another shot at doing their job.

It's turning colder, and I'm a bit unsure of relying upon only wood for heat. So I take to the basement to try to fix the furnace which I screwed up back in September. I can get the pilot light to ignite, but I still can't get the wiring corrected so that the controls will turn the gas burners on. After a few futile efforts with various configurations, I give up and go back to insulating upstairs. Looks like I'll have to rely on wood heat alone.

I go down late afternoon to get the mail, and see the breadwrappered garbage still lying there. So much (again) for Waste Management.

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